The new report officially confirms the shortage is real and growing, and comes as EdVoice announces a coalition of 10 school and student advocacy organizations now in support of Senate Bill (SB) 807, a proposed solution to the state’s teacher shortage.
The Sf Chrionicle details the ongoing techer housing crisis, collecting narratives on teachers that have been displaced and effected by city policies.
EdSource notes that Governor Brown’s budget proposal includes funding for teacher recruitment, but nothing for training or retention.
By a more than 3 to 1 margin, a new statewide public opinion survey of California voters released today finds strong support for the Invest in Teachers Act, also known as Senate Bill 807, the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act of 2017.
Bakersfeild Now Online analyzes how California public school teachers will see more of their paycheck if Senate Bill 807 passes. They state that, if this measure is approved, California would become the first state in the nation that excludes teaching income from state income taxes.
La publicación de LA School Report explica cómo, para evitar que los maestros sean eliminados a través de las líneas estatales y contrarrestar una grave escasez de maestros, por primera vez los legisladores en California están considerando una propuesta para exentar a los maestros del pago de impuestos estatales por la siguiente década.